Leila is a Sports, Remedial, and Therapeutic Massage Therapist, specializing in working with chronic pain, sporting injuries, and postural issues.

In addition to her expertise in massage therapy, Leila is a certified Fitness Instructor and holds a 300-hour Yoga Instructor certification, with proficiency in various Yoga styles, including Yoga Therapeutics, Yin, Hatha, and Vinyasa.

Leila's unique approach seamlessly blends Eastern and Western movement and bodywork methods, incorporating practices such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Functional Movement and Fitness, Qi Gong, and Classical Indian Yoga.

Adding a new dimension to her offerings, Leila is the founder of Wandering Wellness, a platform dedicated to holistic well-being. Through Wandering Wellness, Leila collaborates with a collective of experienced practitioners, expanding the range of wellness solutions tailored to address the diverse needs of individuals.